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Puggle: What New Owners Need to Know

A brown and black puggle puppy stands atop a pile of brown dead grass and sniffs it as a blue sky and clouds are overhead

The Puggle has become a very popular “designer breed” in America since they started showing up in the 1990s. They are a deliberate cross between two distinguished breeds: a Pug and a Beagle. These breeds on their own can be great dogs. In this article, you will find what new owners need to know before deciding to get a Puggle!

What is a Puggle?

A Puggle is a deliberate cross between a Pug and a Beagle. These mixed breeds, or “designer breeds” have become very popular in modern-day America. Other popular crossbreeds include the Shih-poo, Labradoodle and Goldendoodle, all bred with Poodles to utilize the hypoallergenic coat.

The Puggle was bred to utilize the laid back attitude of Pugs with the more active abilities of the Beagle. Pugs have notoriously short noses which can lead to difficulties with active behavior, as well as other health issues. With a longer snout, the Puggle is able to be much more active.

Temperament and Personality

Puggles are a cross between Beagles and Pugs, but what you get can vary. Both breeds have strong personality traits and there isn’t a way to pick and choose what you get from either. There are some less than desirable traits in both breeds of dogs, but with proper training, you can be sure these don’t get the best of you!

You will likely experience some barking with your Puggle, whether it be the short yips of the Pug or the long yowls of a Beagle. They aren’t always loud, but they aren’t afraid to use their voices. They will bark to alert you of visitors, but also during playtime!

Beagles are not the most eager to please their owners. Many Puggles are well-tempered but need some extra patience with training. Always try to use positive training methods with your Puggle such as clicker training. It may take some patience, but once you learn to communicate with your pup, you will have a loyal and obedient companion.

Teaching your Puggle the basics as a puppy will benefit you both greatly. Due to their smaller size and laid back temperament, the Puggle tends to be a fun and trainable puppy. They are great for the novice puppy owner!

Puggles can be well suited for apartment life if trained properly. They are prone to alert-barking, so teaching them not to bark at noises will allow you and your neighbors to live happily in an apartment setting. 

They also don’t need too much space for exercise. They enjoy more agility than endurance and are happy to use household objects like dining room chairs as obstacles. You can incorporate agility exercises into your training and tire your Puggle out pretty quickly!

If you have children, Puggles can make a great pet. The laid back mentality of the Pug and the playfulness of the Beagle create a great companion for children. It is important to teach your kids how to play with your puppy properly. Since they are a smaller breed, Puggles are easy to pick up and handle, but that doesn’t mean they should be! Teach children how to play with your Puggle with all four feet on the ground and it will ensure both parties enjoy playtime!

Taking your Puggle out in public when they are young will allow them to socialize with other dogs and people. This socialization and the Puggle’s naturally friendly temperament will make them great pets around other pets and strangers.

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Grooming Needs

The grooming needs for a puggle are minimal. Their shedding is on the lighter side. They will benefit and likely enjoy a good brushing every other week or so. Also, since they aren’t the most athletic dogs, they may need their nails trimmed. Especially keep an eye on their dew claws as they tend not to get worn down naturally like the rest of your dog’s nails.

Bathing your Puggle isn’t something you will need to do often. They have shorter coats so it tends to only be needed if your dog gets into something. Most Puggles like the water and won’t mind being bathed. They also enjoy a good roll when they find something good and stinky, so a bath here and there may be necessary.

Exercise and Health

Puggles have moderate exercise needs. They will require about 30 minutes of physical activity every day. They enjoy casual walks where they get to sniff and socialize. Puggles also can excel in agility training. They aren’t the most intelligent animals, but mental stimulation paired with physical activity will benefit them greatly.

Training your Puggle should be a lifelong process. They enjoy learning new tricks. Keep them engaged and try to teach them something new every month. It should be a slow and steady process. They may take some time to learn new tricks but tend to be very food motivated. Use it in their training and you’ll both get to enjoy training time!

Due to their small size, Puggles don’t do well with endurance exercise. You won’t get a jogging partner with a Puggle! They also have a tendency to overheat since their bodies are so close to the ground, so be mindful of the temperature while outdoors.

Energy levels can vary from dog to dog. If your Puggle is prone to getting “zoomies” during the day, they may benefit from puzzle toys. They also enjoy interactive playtime with their owners with games like tug and fetch.

These types of games create a strong bond between you and your pup. They also prevent them from getting bored and becoming destructive and mischievous around the house.

The Puggle is a short-legged dog. Due to their stature, they are prone to weight gain. It can be tricky for owners to find the balance between overdoing it and keeping their dog healthy. Making sure your Puggle gets exercise every day is the best way to keep them from gaining weight. Even if it’s just a quick stroll around the block, your Puggle will appreciate it!

Puggles are a fun and unique mixed breed. Taking the best qualities of the Pug and the Beagle, you can have a trainable, fun-loving, social companion for life! Following this guide will be a sure way to know if the Puggle is a good fit for you and your family!

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Meet The Author 

Jessica Mabie author of Dog Paw Pad Injuries for dogs: What you need to know

Jessica Mabie

Canine Specialist & Writer

Jessica Mabie is a Freelance Writer residing in the Twin Cities. She specializes in writing about pets, travel, and food. Jessica graduated with a BA in English Literature from the University of Minnesota, TC.

Jessica has always loved dogs, and, at the age of 14, she started volunteering at a neighborhood vet clinic. While at the U of M, she continued her work with dogs as an obedience trainer and vet tech. Although she no longer works with dogs professionally, she does use her experience as a volunteer with American Brittany Rescue as well as aiding in her writing.

When not working, Jessica and her family spend a lot of time camping and hiking from spring to fall. So, if you happen to see her out and about with her family don’t hesitate to say “Hi!”, (You’ll know it’s her since few are so daring as to have 4 Britts).

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